Sunday, January 27, 2008

Commencement Planning

For those of you set upon by inquiring relatives during the holidays, herein is some information Letha and I dug up on Commencement...

Most vital piece of information to pass on now is the importance of making hotel reservations as soon as possible. Harvard is but one of more than 100 local colleges and universities in a city that is geographically more like a large town. Start now.
Erin Ward Bibo anticipates few significant changes to last year's Commencement Week Activities. See below.

Depending on how much time you are inclined to devote to hosting friends and family, students generally advise guests to arrive as early as Monday or as late as Wednesday evening.

Erin conveys the following. In her own words,

"Class Day is a lovely event during which students receive awards for leadership, academic achievement, etc. and during which a representative from each graduating class delivers a graduation speech.

Wednesday's graduation address is usually good, and since this year President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is scheduled to deliver the address, it should be outstanding.

The program receptions are great, and a nice opportunity for families to meet one another."

Let us know if we can be of any further assistance in your planning. For those of you in denial, you are not alone...

The central Harvard Commencement office site is here. They have resources for hotels, guests with disabilities and other logistics.
The HKS Commencement Site for 2007 is here.

The schedule below is posted just as a planning guide for 2008. Graduation week 2008 begins Monday, June 2nd. The exact times, places and activities may change some in the planning, but the overall order, particularly for the big events will likely remain.

Official Commencement Week 2007 Activities

Events for all Graduates
Monday, June 4 Class of 2007 Picnic
KSG Courtyard, Time: 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, June 5 2007 Class Day Awards
JFK Jr. Forum, Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 6
KSG Commencement Speaker:(Ellen Sirleaf for 2008)
JFK Jr. Forum, Time: 2:00 p.m.

: KSG Courtyard, 2:30 -3:30 p.m.

Thursday, June 7
Class Pictures
, JFK Forum, 7:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.
(please refer to photo schedule included in final details memo)

Morning Yard Exercises, Harvard Yard
Procession begins at 8:30 a.m.; Ceremony begins at 9:45 a.m.
(tickets are required for guests (in the past each student gets two and they don't guarantee seating. The exercises will be broadcast to the big screen TV in the Forum)

KSG Diploma Ceremony, JFK Memorial Park
12:15 p.m. (no tickets required)

KSG Diploma Luncheon, JFK Memorial Park (around 2 p.m.)
Immediately following Diploma Ceremony (tickets required)

Afternoon Yard Ceremony, Harvard Yard, Bill Gates (JK Rowling in 2008)
Procession begins at 1:45 p.m., Speaker begins around 3 p.m.
(tickets required for guests)

Friday, June 8 New Alumni Reception
Continental Breakfast
Taubman 5th Floor, Time: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Program Receptions
Sunday, June 3
Mason Program Reception
JFK Jr. Forum, Time: 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, June 6
Mid-Career Program Reception
JFK Jr. Forum, Time: 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Semster Update from VP of Communications


Semester Highlights from Your Student Government


Academic Affairs

Engaged students in selection process for five new faculty members
Facilitating awards process for outstanding advisors, faculty, teaching fellows and CAs
Exploring alternatives for over-subscribed courses, such as creating “Budgeting in a Box” workshop
Building linkages for joint-degree students with each other and between schools
Documenting the international content of cases and courses taught at KSG
Launching an action plan to improve the Core through a new MPP Task Force


Planned successful and fun events like the Boat Cruise, Harvard-Yale Tailgate, Winter Formal and weekly Quorum Calls -- all under a smaller budget!
Increased diversity and accessibility of events through co-sponsorship with groups such as the Outdoor Adventures Club, LGBT Caucus, German-Austrian Caucus, and our Open Forum television show
Maintained real responsiveness to student concerns, from supporting childcare during events to keeping ticket prices as low as possible

International Affairs

Improving networking for current students with alumni in their regions of origin, to assist students with careers, fundraising and other avenues of collaboration
Creating a web presence integrating information and functionalities for international students, including bulletin boards and discussion forums
Created a listserv of international students as a separate email group to address specific challenges and concerns of international students
Working with Academic Affairs to increase international content in curriculum
Planning the first International Day on February 22 to showcase the ethnic and cultural diversity of students from 87 countries through cuisine, art and literature

Overhauled the entire student group funding process with accurate records and responsible quarterly accounting
Reviewed 145 applications for this past quarter funding; allocated the full $23,000 available for activities this quarter; received only two appeals to new process
Ensured funds will be available for student group events all year, while correcting last year’s deficit

Student Services
Treating every student concern as a priority: in response to student emails, replaced the volleyball net, put new whiteboard markers in all Taubman carrels, and fixed sticking doors in Littauer
Meeting with architect consultants to maximize the use of space at KSG
Working with the Administration to install a student refrigerator near the Forum
Discovered the reason for The Swamp: KSG is built over an old railway yard, resting on 4-5 feet of dirt piled over 4-5 feet of concrete. Grass irrigation creates drainage needs that cannot be absorbed by 4-5 feet of dirt. Because our entire campus is also under the water table, the corner of the courtyard closest to Littauer is destined to be muddy.

Internal Affairs
Approved two bylaws amendments: the creation of a standing International Affairs Committee, and the transfer of academic advising issues from the Student Services committee to the Academic Affairs committee
Proposing further bylaws amendments to improve the election process and clarify the eligibility of write-in candidates
Recognized approximately 70 student groups eligible for KSSG funding

Obtained a bulletin board outside the Taubman computer lab to post announcements and updates from all KSSG committees
Updated the website with a Student Services page to enable access to student group activity funding forms, room reservations and other services
Exploring methods to consolidate heavy email traffic about student group events into a single, daily email, to de-clutter mailboxes and improve coordination
Posting detailed minutes of all KSSG meetings at

Committee on Public Service
Investigated reasons for low rate of graduates entering public service

Monday, December 3, 2007

Facilities Walk Through - Dec 3rd

On Friday the 30th, Rachel Hicks and I met with Larry Black from Facilities to discuss the various broken things that have been reported or we've found. The moral of that story is that if you endow a building fund, be sure to endow the maintenance fund too.

Then, this morning, I walked through Belfer and Taubman reviewing the spaces we thought might work for additional study space. You can read the nauseating details here.

There is some hope of squeezing in more study space. In the meantime, take advantage of the couches you find throughout Taubman and the very nice space above Starr Auditorium. Don't forget all the Harvard libraries are open to you for studying And keep in mind Littauer was designed for 300 students.

On the plus side - KSG is the only Harvard School to buy 100% renewable power for the buildings. A year ago they replaced over 800 light fixtures in Taubman, bringing the energy use in the building down 16%.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Student Services Meeting - Nov 30th

We had a productive Student Services Committee meeting on Friday morning. Here's a brief update of what's been taken care of and what's in flux.

The Swamp
Apparently the big mud puddle in the courtyard that we all squelched through this summer is a long term problem. KSG is built on an old rail yard, so just a few feet below the green grass is a cement cap. There is no place for the irrigation water to drain to. To add to the problem, KSG is below the local water table so run off tends to pool in our courtyard regardless. Facilities has worked on the issue for years but haven't figure out how to change the way water moves downhill. What we need here is the Physics department I think!

The facilities staff has begun polling the students on their space issues. It's an important piece of input and you should take a few minutes to fill it out!

We had asked about unlocking classrooms for group meetings after 6:00 PM. In the past there were theft problems when the rooms were open late. Rooms have been opened for studying around finals (and the schedule well publicized) and they weren't much use. The small rooms in Littauer 3 remain unlocked most evenings still. We're negotiating about leaving Land Hall unlocked because it has two group spaces. We'll see if we can resolve the security issues to do this. Student groups can reserve classrooms through ROAR if they want to use them after 6:00.

Library Services
There was a request to open the library earlier. It is one of the earliest to open at Harvard, beyond those open 24 hours. Opening earlier would require significant staff shuffling. Staying open later is much easier with the student staffing available. The library will be open later during finals as it was last year. More publicity will come out about this. For studying earlier, we're working to update the "Where can I study" list to emphasize quiet places early in the morning. We may try to post it outside the library as well. I would personally recommend checking out the balcony overlooking Starr in Belfer.

Rachel Hicks and Doug Levine are following up with the library on how they decide how many course packets to have on reserve. They use a formula today that takes class size into account. We'd like to see cost included, but we need to look at circulation statistics first to see about patterns of usage.

Food Service

There is a student discount which is basically the tax on the meal. If you bring your own mug, coffee is only $.90.

There is a comment board on the main door, which are you are encouraged to use to your heart's content!

Two committee members are working through a series of issues. Sodexho has only a one year contract and many things, including revamping the cafe space, are on hold until a long term contract is settled. In the meantime, we're seeing what we can resolve.

As a side note, the special student menu that student groups order off of was put together at student request and offers less expensive options, to make the KSSG student club money stretch farther.

Other Services

Rachel Hicks interviewed the two final candidates for the Director of Professional Development role which will hopefully be filled very shortly. There's ongoing work with IT and a variety of miscellaneous issues in progress. More updates to come!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

KSSG Meeting - Nov 28th

Our bi-weekly KSSG meeting was very good this week.

KSG Finances
We had a wonderful presentation on KSG finances from the Office of Financial Services. The school is in the black. As tight as you feel in those classrooms, enrollment is a bit smaller as well, though on target with projections. We learned a lot about the endowment, the revenue streams and the expenses. The Kennedy School is uniquely well balanced in revenue streams - with other schools much more heavily dependent on their endowment or their tuition. All I can say is if you donate money when you're a wealthy alum, make the restrictions as minimal as possible. It's astoundingly complex managing all the gifts out there today.

KSSG Finances
Similarly, the KSSG finances are in the black. Manu's team managed 145 requests from student groups for $53,000. They handed out $23,000, with only 2 appeals. They've started the budgeting process for the Spring term. Two thirds of the student activity fee goes to club and student group activities.

American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment
I presented to the KSSG about the ACUPCC that Harvard is considering joining. This would publicly commit Harvard to going carbon neutral by the date of their choice and integrating sustainability into every student's experience. I'm recommending that KSSG ask Dean Ellwood to endorse the commitment. We discussed the issue in this meeting and next week we'll vote on it.

Committee Updates
Alex Alexander has successfully scheduled International Day on February 22nd.
Lionel is making great headway in building up an alumni network.
Taufiq asked that everyone participate in the advisor, CA and TA awards, as a positive way to improve the quality of the services.
Rachel discussed movement in the Services committee, but you can read all that in the services committee post.

When meeting minutes are available I'll post a link to them.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Meeting w/ Dean McCarthy - Nov 26

After a few weeks of juggling schedules I met with Dean M to review the mid-career issues list to see what we might triage out to other parts of the KSG organization. The reps are hearing some things that might normally go to a Program Director and could be better handled in other parts of the administration.

You can read details here. For a summary, read on.

Program Director
As might be expected this personnel issue is taking longer to resolve than anyone hoped. The Dean can't legally share anything with us, other than to emphasize they're still spending a great deal of energy looking for solutions and stepping into the breach where they can. We're working to make sure our first mid-career seminar on is on Dean McCarthy's schedule so he can update us as a group in January.

Betty and Scott have been working extensively with the Dean through the Academic Affairs committee to bring our issues forward.

We discussed the concern that the approach to teaching about plagiarism was too militant. The Dean mentioned there used to be more writing tutors and they were easier to locate. Generally the best approach is to ask a CA, a TA or the professor if you're concerned that the idea you're working with may not be original. If you have any questions about what to cite and how, asking is the best policy. Learning to use also Refworks removes a lot of the fiddly burden of sorting out punctuation and so on.

There's been a concern that not enough US diversity is represented at the Kennedy School. Dean McCarthy reports that we lead the nation in diversity in the MPP program but always find it harder to match that in the mid-career program for a variety of reasons. If you'd like to get involved, there is the diversity committee, which always lacks enough mid-career representation.

KSSG and Student Life
Apparently in past years, the mid-careers have run several successful campaigns for KSSG President, in part because they had August to organize. Even in the last few years there have been successful Mason Fellow Presidents. This year was a little off kilter because of the situation with the program director, but it's expected the trend of a politically active mid-career class will pick up again!

Our next meeting is December 5th!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Services Committee Update - Nov. 13

These are the notes from Rachel's update (the VP for Student Services) on the Student Services Committee's activities. Being on the committee, I thought I'd share them.

There's a long list of things for planning committee meeting on the 14th; fridge, Sodexho, library hours

The committee met once and a member is dedicated to each of the areas under our jurisdiction

Rachel had meetings with candidates for Office of Professional Development Director's job.

Rachel got a volleyball net up, replaced the pens in the Taubman carrels and got the doors fixed in Littauer.

Doug Levine will have bulletin board in Forum to post all of these updates.

- Letha